Poetry Sydney is an independent literary organisation committed to a presence for poetry in our culture.

Poetry Sydney announces the launch of a new website

Poetry Sydney, where all poetry has a place

The central network service is a platform and directory for poets, poetry organisations, conveners of poetry, readers of poetry and poetry audiences with a focus on Sydney and New South Wales, and Australasia.

Poetry Sydney membership services program makes important commitments to poets and poetry organisations that contribute to our communities. Our services will amplify poets and poetry; develop poetry audiences and strengthen relationships.

The service provides two-level membership options for poets and poetry enterprises: FREE and PREMIUM. You will be able to join and create a profile, upload examples of poetry, sell poetry products (Australia-only with terms-and-conditions), list events, opportunities and announcements with personal login access.

What you can expect and what will be on offer – two-level membership options to take flight:

  • Level-one: For poets, readers, audience members, or poetry lovers
  • Level-two: For businesses, organisation, institutions, publishers