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The Book of Remembrance: Rob Riel

Rob Riel

A piece of us all is missing. Farewell to Rob Riel. Kerri Shying

We generally notice light when it is absent’

Rob Riel, Still Life

For as Long as You Burn, Five Islands Press (new poets 6) 1999

Rob Riel’s moustache was a wonder, his poetry even more. Published in Australia, America, Canada and the UK, his stories and poetry reflected a character of bright sparks and hard work. There was nothing precious about Rob, who sported a resume as rich as Bob Dickersons – a sub-mariner, metallurgist, D.J., research fellow and all-round wage slave, he brought a wealth of experience and compassion to his plain but subtly made poetry.

So many poems to choose from.

‘My love is like a softly opened season. ‘

he writes in “Song (for Judy)”,

because Rob (uxorious Rob) was ardent about everything, a sensualist without the syrup or silliness that can sometimes mar a love poem, and it is in these (for me) he hits full belt of his range, depth and subtlety.

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